Athens: Hammam & Mosque

Greece, Athens, Monastiraki Mosque
ateneWhen we talk about museums in Athens, our mind goes directly to white marble statues, golden jewelry and bronze artifacts. If you are an archeology fan, get ready for quite a few kilometers of walking through the vestiges of the glorious past. But what if you are not? In this case you might consider visiting one (or maybe more) of the four museums dedicated to the Greek Folk Art,  all located in the old district of Plaka. They are definitely not crowded!

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Few words about driving in Greece

europe_greeceDriving in Greece and particularly in Athens, one might have the impression that signs and traffic lights are optional or serve an advisory role and that Greek drivers don’t share the same traffic code with the rest of Europe. Well, after years of driving in this country, I can safely say that this is not just an impression! The rules are the same; what changes is the interpretation!

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Athens National Archaeological Museum

Athens, Archaeological Museum
ateneIf your time is limited or if you plan to visit only one museum during your stay in Athens, it’s quite probable that this once-venerable museum will not be your first choice. It would be a pity, though, to miss it. It’s maybe old-fashioned (particularly if compared with the avant-garde New Acropolis museum) but it remains one of the most important archaeological museums of the world, holding the crème de la crème of ancient Greek artifacts.

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