Sarakatsan are an ethnic minority speaking Greek language, nomadic, present mainly in Greece and Bulgaria and in lesser numbers in Albania and Macedonia. Every year at the end of June, on a plateau in the mountains near Meteora, is held their most important gathering. Absolutely not touristic, it is a wonderful opportunity to take a dip in the tradition of this welcoming community.
Author Archives: massimo
Do you know Andrew Warhola?
I start a small series of posts about interesting places that I happened to visit during my RV travels as a photojournalist in the past. First candidate Medzilaborce, a tiny village in Slovakia next to the birthplace of the parents of the great maverick Andy Warhol who, if you didn’t know, was born as Andrew Warhola!
Chasing Bridges !
We move further south, hoping to get away from the bad weather. Before arriving at Meteora we decide to go and visit some stone bridges that seem to be not to be missed. The whole central Greece is littered with bridges built in stone and usually in very suggestive positions, that of Portitsa, a few meters from the mouth of a gorge, is considered one of the most beautiful in the country.